Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Kahoot Quiz

A couple ways to integrate technology in Physical Education are by Youtube instructional videos and Kahoot quizzes.  For my lesson plan, I included a Kahoot quiz on running form that I assigned as homework for students that they were to do before class.  It is a short quiz that gives a good overview of basic running techniques.  I also had the students watch a Youtube video before we started shooting that went over the basic fundamentals of shooting.  It would most easily be watched on an iPad to save time.  The quiz and video will give students a better understanding of how to run more efficiently to make them faster, and how to have good shooting form to make their shots more accurate.

 The quiz and Youtube video apply to the SAMR model on the Augmentation level.  The Kahoot quiz is on the Augmentation level because students can do them anywhere and they are immediately given their results so they know proper running form.  The Youtube video is considered the Augmentation level because it would be watched on an iPad in the gym using wireless internet to save time over going to a computer and allows for more time during the class period for students to practice their shooting.  It applies to Bloom's Taxonomy because the videos and quizzes clearly define what me, as a teacher, am looking for while students participate in activities.

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